Should I Use Screws or Rivets for Aluminum Gutter Repairs?

When it comes to repairing damaged sections of aluminum gutters, screws and rivets are two of the most common fastening solutions. While gutter nails have been a popular method for fixing gutters, gutter screws offer certain advantages that can create a better overall system. For joining gutters and attaching the system to the structure, you'll need a supply of gutter screws. Usually, gutters are installed with aluminum spikes and ferrules, but you can replace these with ceramic or copper-coated stainless steel gutter screws for a safer solution and to prevent the gutters from falling or coming loose.

Each end of the gutter sections will have an end cover fixed with rivets or self-tapping screws. You'll need four of the ones you've chosen to use. Use silicone glue to seal the edges and around the rivet or screw holes. Many of the latest gutter screws on the market have attractive design features that include oversized thread diameters, which ensure better fastening strength and a tight fit.

If you're replacing existing nails or screws, you'll need to choose screws that have a thicker shank and that are slightly longer than the one you're replacing so that the new screw can drill through the material and get a good grip on the wood. Gutter screws are specifically designed for this application and have unique features that make installation quick and efficient. The hexagonal head style also provides a firmer grip for greater durability, and the head may or may not be grooved for use with a flat-tip screwdriver. Be sure to use long gutter screws and rigid metal ferrules to provide a safer solution that is stronger than the barbed and ferrule installation method.

And while some gutter problems are things you can fix on your own, it's best to leave gutter cleaning and major repairs to professionals. You should also make sure your splints are secure, as only a combination of screw and ferrule can create a secure fastener. If they aren't, your home could suffer from damage to the siding and roof, as well as erosion problems around the foundation. To install gutter screws, follow these four steps:

  • Choose long gutter screws with oversized thread diameters.
  • Ensure one screw thread pierces the downspout of the gutter while the second thread around the tip pierces the material at the same time.
  • Use silicone glue to seal around rivet or screw holes.
  • Replace existing nails or screws with thicker shanks.
Channeling rainwater away from your home will prevent erosion of existing landscapes, reduce chances of foundations rotting and flooding basements, and protect eaves and roofs from water damage.

Gutter screws are an effective solution for this purpose, as they provide better fastening strength than nails or rivets.

Mary Swopshire
Mary Swopshire

Internet maven. Passionate tv maven. Professional beer ninja. Friendly zombie scholar. Hardcore zombie specialist.

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